OK so you've got a new adventure from this web page or have bought something from the Kestrel Arts Catalog; now you can run Against the Giants in Fantasy Hero -- nostalgia and fun! But what are these creatures like? What are the spells mentioned in the module? Where is "Jolrhos" and what are these treasures?
Well here's your answer. Jolrhos is my fantasy world, the setting for the adventures listed above. All the creatures, all the treasures, all the spells, all the herbs mentioned, everything are from that world, and this section has the details. Some you can download, some you can as a book or download, and eventuall all will be in book form for purchase.
As time goes on, more of the world will be available for purchase with much greater explanation and detail for each of these concepts in a series of "Cyclopediae," each volume covering a different area. Until then, you can get the basics here for free!
One of the primary settings for Fantasy Hero adventures in the Jolrhos Fantasy Campaign is the Westermark, a rich and exciting area in the nation of Morien. You can get the basic information on the Westermark right here!
A very basic, stripped down version of the player's handbook for building characters in Jolrhos Fantasy Hero campaigns. Skills, talents, packages, templates, equipment, house rules, and more.
The magic system used in JOlrhos Fantasy Hero and detailed in The Fantasy Codex for free download. How it works, and why.
A huge set of charts and tables for randomizing treasures, from basic commodities like furs and silks to powerful enchanted artifacts. Part of the upcoming Jolrhos Treasury book.
Part of the upcoming Jolrhos Worldbook, a martial art and talent set for Dwarven axe masters.
Part of the upcoming Jolrhos Worldbook, a martial art and talent set for Elven archers.
Part of the upcoming Jolrhos Worldbook, a martial art and talent set for highly trained knights of Morien.
Part of the upcoming Jolrhos Worldbook, a martial art and talent set for Dwarven axe masters.
Part of the upcoming Jolrhos Worldbook, a martial art and talent set for Lengothian martial artists.