A pack of Hero Designer builds and pdf write up of dozens of characters for Western Hero, drawn from books, radio shows, television, and cinema. Useful for your games as examples of builds, pre-mades, or used as NPCs in a game.
From Bass Reeves to Wyatt Earp, and all points in between, this is a file packed with dozens of real-life gun fighters, lawmen, Native American heroes, and much more. This packet includes a folder full of Hero Designer files as well as a pdf with all the write ups and as a bonus, the details of how the special talents in Western Hero were constructed.
A very basic summary of options and maneuvers for Hero Combat. Intended for new players, but useful for all.
This document gives the GM a single sheet to fill out with all the things players may need to know, including power level ranges, point bases, optional rules, house rules, everyman skills, and so on.
A document designed to help GMs remember how adventures went and special events that took place. Organize your notes and keep an ongoing summary of your campaign.
A convenient file for the GM to keep on each character in the campaign, keeping track of their actions, resources, disads, and character stories as well as "here's what I plan to do with this character"
This document is a blank chart to print out and use for keeping track of NPCs in combat, including a grid for targets that only take a number of hits to drop rather than exact bookkeeping.
A vintage rebuild of the 4th edition Champions Character Sheet for print out and filling in with a pencil. Includes space for image and updated to 6th edition.
A 6th edition update to a classic, designed for print out and filling in with a pencil. Hit Locations adjusted for Jolrhos Campaign house rules.
Set up to be used on the back of a character sheet, this keeps track of combat, has room for tracking damage, actions in combat, and more! Designed for Champions campaigns
Set up to be used on the back of a character sheet, this keeps track of equipment, has room for tracking damage and actions in combat, and more! Designed for Fantasy Hero campaigns
Although most people use computer programs and apps such as the Hero Combat Manager to keep track of combat and who goes when, this is the old school sheet you can use with a pencil and paper.
Random charts and ideas for filling an outdoor area with encounters and set scenarios. A useful tool for designing adventures for your players.
Random tables and charts for filling your dungeon with details, such as doors, fountains, libraries, and much more.
Although unfinished, this offers expanded spells and ideas for 4 levels in all Everquest d20 classes, from Bards to Wizards.
Another Everquest d20 aid, with trade skill ideas and summaries for most of the trades in the game.
This sheet is designed to fill out and hand to new players. It is a very stripped down, simplified version of a character sheet, without the math, numbers, or details new players don't need to know or care about.