This section contains conversions of old modules and printed adventures from various games, changed to Fantasy Hero. Most are for 5th edition, with some updated to 6th. As time goes on, more will be added and others updated to the latest Hero edition. These are not for sale or meant for business, simply as an homage to old beloved games of the past.
The one that started them all, the first module TSR ever published, way back in 1978. Updated while retaining the feel and basic design of the module. 6th Edition update.
Ideal for a starting adventure, with a ready made dungeon and safe place to train and equip. This original adventure has been greatly expanded with more quests, adventures, and options. Keep on the Borderlands is the most popular module ever made, more people have played KOTB than any other printed module. This zip file includes a folio of premade characters, including spells, equipment, and other goodies! 6th Edition update.
TSR's UK division started to produce modules after the Fiend Folio was published. This is the first of those adventures, a mystery with action, a thinking module spiced with combat and plenty for all players to enjoy.
The sequel to U1, tying directly in to the end of that module. This follows the story to the nearby Saurian lair, are they planning an assault on the little town of Saltmarsh? A module that requires thought and diplomacy as much as combat skill.
The conclusion to the U series, finishing the trilogy of UK modules. The final enemy has been revealed: Deep Spawn who have a fortress not far from the little town of Saltmarsh. Four races are about to attack the Fortress, and they call on you to scout it out. Do you dare?
This is the story of a small town beset with a terrible secret, and the search to end the evil hold over the people here before it spreads elsewhere. A forgotten classic!
This is the tale of a cursed valley of farmers who need the PCs to take the dangerous trip to contact the local Druids, the Forest Oracle, for an answer to their woes. Updated to 6th edition!
Author and game writer Aaron Allston designed a fascinating module for Dungeons and Dragons called Treasure Huntin which the characters were level 0 and had to survive on what little skills and abilities they had, while earning level 1. This zip file is a full adaptation of the module, and includes Hero Designer files for pre-made characters to offer players.
First of a 3 part Egyptian desert themed series by Tracy and Laura Hickman from 1983. Delve into a Pyramid - if you can survive the trip there.
A band of evil slavers work out of a crumbling city and its your job to root them out!
First part of the immensely popular G series of modules, converted and ready to play.
The adventure continues, against giants in a glacial chasm filled with danger and a dark, awful secret.
This is an adaptation of an old adventure in Dragon #78 called Citadel By The Sea and is designed to expand and add on to the Fantasy Hero Battlegrounds adventure Eisburk-Beyond-The-Shoals. Instead of merely being a stone in the chapel, now there is a hidden entrance to an ancient tomb containing a mighty Orc artifact!
In the back of the Warhammer Quest campaign book is an adventure for the game, involving a dwarven mine, orcs, and lost treasure.
Another Warhammer Quest adventure, released as an expansion to the game. Following up on Karak Azgal or as a stand alone, this is the lair of a fearsome orc warlord and his minions. Can you delve into the depths and face his might?
The third Warhammer Quest conversion, this time against the forces of the undead. Higher level yet than the orc dungeons, this long adventure leads to the Lich King's lair, a race to prevent his resurrection and a thrilling fight to the death in his hidden throne room!